Lucid is a conceptual national non-profit that works with doctors, and other non-profit organizations, to incorporate telemedicine into their eye care practices. Their mission is to modernize eye care so that all children can have access to necessary eye care.



1. to make clear or understood
2. bright

Making new telemedicine practices well understood is lucid's purpose, and they use "bright" as an aesthetic for their brand.

The mark is a blend between a sun and an eye, drawing from the phrase "bright eyes"

The company's colors are from the five main eye colors: amber, green, blue, brown, and gray.


These posters are intended to spread the brands message by targeting teachers, doctors, and potential donors (shown left to right). They work as hand outs, or large posters.


This video is visualization of how the lucid web page would use a simple layout that incorporates playful animations.

This add is an example of what lucid would post on social media to gain attention.